ImageBooks are always fun to share with children.  It is an opportunity to express ideas in a gentle and interesting way.  I shared this book, “The Curious Garden” written by Peter Brown with my K- 3rd grade class before our hike.  The story is a about Liam, who lives in a dreary city.  He explores and finds a tiny little patch of nature on the old abandoned railway tracks (reminds me of the Highline in NYC)*  and the story just blossoms from there.  While today’s children might not produce the same outcome as Liam, they can have an impact on their own surroundings.  Whether they plant a garden with their family, scouts, at school or just have a pot with herbs growing in it for mom or dad to use in the kitchen.  It all can make a difference in their lives and yours!  

ImageA simpler book for the preschool /Kindergarten age-group is a fun book about, “Growing Vegetable Soup”, by Lois Ehlert.  How silly is the idea of growing soup.?  But is it really?  This book shows the planting process simply and leads up to harvesting, washing and chopping veggies for yummy soup.  There is even a recipe on the inside back cover.  Garden to table all right there in a children’s book.  How apropos! 

 Now is a great time to start a very small crop of one vegetable inside (if you live in the Northeast)  Inexpensive seeds are just waiting to be planted by little hands in a small recycled bottle or jar.  Replant outside after the last frost (usually by Mother’s Day)

This week we planted sugar snap peas and basil seeds in class.  They are settling in at the greenhouse at Avalon and hopefully next time our class gets together we’ll see something happen!  Happy Spring!

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